2024-25 Seminars

Both Research Seminar Groups will provide a structured venue for participants to pursue their research interest, with the advantage of receiving feedback and discussion from other group members.  The research projects can be clinical or theoretical in nature. Quantitative and qualitative projects are welcome. Participation in the seminar can be useful if you are pursuing a writing project you wish to develop and submit for publication in the future, or as preparation for a formal presentation. There is no fee for participation in the Research Seminar Groups.

Seminar Group 1 – Zoom virtual seminar led by seminar coordinator, Kathleen B. Kerr

Participant criteria: Extensive background in Bowen theory and a project of scientific inquiry that the participant wishes to pursue. There is a selection/vetting process for participation. Prospective participants should initiate discussion of participation with Kathleen B. Kerr kbkerr@bowentheoryacademy.org

Maximum participants: seven including seminar the group coordinator Kathleen B. Kerr; 45 minutes allotted time for each presenter on each meeting day.

Meeting frequency: 3 times per year spaced over the year; 10:00 am to 4:30 pm EST/EDT

Format: Participants are encouraged to circulate drafts of their work in progress well before each meeting. On the day of the seminar, presenters will use their time for a brief presentation (no more than ten minutes) with the rest of their allotted time to be used to receive feedback/suggestion/discussion from other group members. The major emphasis of the seminar is to promote discussion in the group.

Contact Kathleen B. Kerr for more information on Group 1 kbkerr@bowentheoryacademy.org.

Seminar Group 2 – Zoom virtual seminar led by Michael E. Kerr, M.D. (coordinated by Carolyn Jacobs, Psy.D.)

Participant criteria: Extensive background in Bowen theory and a project of scientific inquiry that the participant wishes to pursue. There is a selection/vetting process for participation. Prospective participants should initiate discussion of participation with Carolyn Jacobs, Psy.D. sctbt@cox.net

Maximum participants: seven including seminar leader, Michael E. Kerr, M.D.; allotted time for each presenter on each meeting day.

Meeting frequency: 3 times per year spaced over the year; 10:00 am to 4:30 pm EST/EDT

Format: Participants are encouraged to circulate drafts of their work in progress well before each meeting. On the day of the seminar, presenters will use their time for a brief presentation (no more than ten minutes) with the rest of their allotted time to be used to receive feedback/suggestion/discussion from other group members. The major emphasis of the seminar is to promote discussion in the group.

Please contact Carolyn Jacobs, Psy.D. to initiate discussion of participation in Seminar Group 2. (sctbt@cox.net),

Tentative schedule for each group – EST/EDT

10:00 am to 4:30 pm
10.15  First Presentation
11:00  Break
11:15  Second Presentation
12:00  Third Presentation
12:45  Lunch
1:15  Fourth Presentation
2:00  Fifth Presentation
2:45  Break
3:00  Sixth Presentation
3:45  Seventh Presentation