Michael Kerr, M.D., who speaks and writes on Bowen theory and cancer, titles this lecture “slightly toward a systems theory of cancer.” He discusses basic concepts of systems thinking in understanding symptom development. This includes the importance of the individual’s level of chronic anxiety, adaptedness, and family emotional process. He refers to his thinking about cancer and symptom development as a “systems model of disease”. Dr. Kerr says the conditions in which an organism lives plays a role in disease. He states “The cause of the problem does not lie within the individual organism” but requires an understanding of the context in which the cell or human body exists.

Dr. Kerr gives a brief overview of various well-known scientists’ thinking about what contributes to the development of a physical illness, which has to do with the organism and the organization of the body. The theme of the lecture is that a symptom does not develop from a single cause, but there is an interplay of factors to be considered. He says “the conditions in which the organism is living play a role in disease.” He is describing the emergence of cancer and symptom development from a systems perspective versus a cause effect model.

Dr. Kerr gives an overview of some of the factors that impact the individual organism. The family emotional system when disturbed may result in either physical, emotional, or behavioral symptoms in less adaptable individuals. The disturbance, depending on the level of adaptedness in the system, stresses the system and individuals may react in ways that throw off the functioning of more vulnerable individuals. He describes cancer not as “a pathology driven system”; but as “anxiety driven”. Stress is not the cause of cancer but may fuel the cancer. Cancer is not a pathology, he says, but a vulnerability fueled by chronic anxiety.

There are a variety of well-known scientists he quotes, who are individuals thinking about symptom development from a systems perspective. He refers to researchers, who examine the organization of the body, and how various parts impact the whole. He talks about how some scientists study cell regulation as connected to an interplay of factors in the environment.

Bowen theory and current scientific research provides an understanding of cancer as emerging in response to a disturbance in the organism and efforts of the body to adapt. Symptoms represents the way the individual manages with challenging events, given a build-up of chronic anxiety and vulnerabilities in the genetic and biological make-up of the organism.

This is one of four videos produced by Bowen Theory Academy for their 2018 conference “The Hidden Life of Families”. For more information on Bowen theory, chronic anxiety, cancer and symptom development refer to the video section on the Bowen Theory Academy website for the 2018 conference “The Hidden Life of Families”, and the 2022 conference on cancer, Bowen theory, and systems biology.