Who We Are

Bowen Theory Academy was founded based on the goals of maintaining the unique thinking of Bowen family systems theory and on illustrating the difference can make when understanding and acting on a systems view of human behavior. Dr. Murray Bowen was clear about the theory he had been researching and using in his work with families for many years. He was director of the Georgetown Family Center where professionals could learn about Bowen theory, their own family systems, and their own functioning as well as their clients’ functioning.

Michael Kerr MD worked with Dr. Bowen for 20 years and took over the position of Director of the Georgetown Family Center. Kathleen Kerr, MSN, MA, CNS had developed a virtual program to provide webcasts with Dr. Kerr presenting to groups around the country.

When the Kerrs moved and were no longer available at Georgetown, three former postgraduate trainees who were interested in hearing more from the Kerrs suggested continuing the virtual webcast series from the Kerrs’ home on

Islesboro Maine. They agreed and Bowen Theory Academy was founded.   Over time the BTAS webinars have offered presentations by both Michael and Kathleen Kerr.  Programs have been added and Bowen Theory Academy continues to provide strong theoretical leadership in order to:

  • Address the distinction between cause and effect thinking and systems thinking
  • Highlight the erosion of Bowen theory
  • Contribute to the extension of Bowen theory into the future
  • Continue Bowen theory’s odyssey toward a science of human behavior

Please join with Bowen Theory Academy’s efforts to continue Murray Bowen’sodyssey toward a science of human behavior.
