It meets once a month for an hour and a half using webcasting technology. Some of the members with more formal presentations agreed to post their presentations on this website. The Think Tank is by invitation only, which is due in part to the limitations of the technology. This means that it has not been possible to include many fine Bowen Theory thinkers. There are presently sixteen members of the Think Tank. The views expressed by each presenter do not necessarily represent those of the Academy, nor are they assumed to always be consistent with Bowen Theory as it is currently structured. The effort is to push the edge, not to rubber stamp what is already known.
What is Think Tank?
The Bowen Theory Academy Think Tank began in October 2013 under the leadership of the Bowen Theory Academy Board.Its purpose is to bring together people knowledgeable about Bowen Theory and interested in advancing the ideas to stimulate each other’s thinking by making brief presentations and discussing them. Read More Below